Friday, June 3, 2011

aku di tempat baru..

bertemu lagi kita...

tanggal 29 mei 2011. hari ahad. jam 11;30 pagi.

ditemani mak ayah dan kakak ku.

aku jejakkan kaki ke tempat baru.

aku dekat tempat baru ni. lain sangat.... tak pernah rasa lain mcm ni.

tak ada mak ayah. tak ada kakak abg.. tak ada ank buah. cuma ada kawan.
aku dapat roommate oqhe kelate.... hehehe... cakap kelate lah aku. huhu....

lupa pula nak cakap.

aku dekat upsi yang tu nama pendek.. nama panjang universiti pendidikan sulta idris, tanjung malim,perak, malaysia. aku ambil kursus diploma in english.

dekat sini ramai kawan yang aku dapat. kawan??? huhu seronok sgt, tapi tak serupa dengan rasa bestnya balik kampung.... hari pertama aku dah rasa nk balik kampung.. <<< aku sedihnya....

aku berubah daripada duduk bawah ketiak mak ayah kepada duduk bawah ketiak aku sendiri.. berdikari sangat penting untuk hidup di universiti.  yang tuh kata kata daripada senior senior.


berlangsung selama 4 hari setengah. lain sangat daripada orientasi yang pernah aku jalani sebelum ini.. tak ada rushing... tak ada ragging.. tak ada running... tak ada screaming... tak ada scolding ... cool ja..

berjalan, lari anak, berlari, dengan cantik dan telus.

tapi ada yang masih merungut. mengantuk lah, penat lah.... aku respect dengan kakak  dan abg senior dekat upsi. diorang buat kita seperti adik beradik.. 

aku nak ceritakan kembali kisah aku ditinggalkan keluarga aku di sini. bukan aku yang meninggalkan mereka ya....

aku ingat

aku rasa excited sangat. maklumlah budak sekolah menengah baru nak masuk u.. tapi time keluarga aku tinggalkan aku, ermm mcm mana nak cakap ek??  aku menangis. dalam loghat kedah teqiak. haha....

 sedih siot.... haaaaaaa............. tengok muka mak ayah aku. aku rasa sebak..

sebelum ini aku tidak biasa ditingalkan.

tapi memberikan aku semangat untuk aku terus belajar menyesuaikan diri di sini..  aku akan pulang membawakan kejayaan.. tengoklah!! <

kata sang ulat bulu yang punya kaki seribu
siapa jumpa kaki ku... kakiku
jikakau tak dapat terpaksa ku melompat
dengan seribu kurang satu.
siapa jumpa kakiku...

 ubah huruf vokal kepada i

kiti sing ilit bili
ying pinyi kiki siribi sipi jimpi kikiki, kikiki
jikili tik dipit tirpiksi ki milimpit
dingin siribi kiring siti
sipi jimpi kikiki.....

<<< lagu yang aku suka...

satu satu mimpi di dalam hidupku ini...
satu satu janji yang ku gapai pasti...... <<< realiti insan..

aku merepek sangat panjang pada post ini... sory....

Monday, March 7, 2011

bukit rokan


      aku nk cita cket.... bru2 nieh aku ada mgikuti progarm anjuran felda... bak kta owg puteh,,,, tranformation of felda new generation programm.... cewah... speaking pla..... aku pi 21-2 smpai 26-2 arie bulan.... aku ikot program tu kt gemenceh n.9.... tempat da ank yg bnuh kluarga tu... yg dasyat tu..... tkot aku....

      nma pnempatan tu pusat latihan polis bantuan,,,, fsssb... kt stu aku tgok bermcm2 owg.... drpd akak ngan abg fasi, smpailah ke makcik n pkja kntin..... mkn kt ctu bleh la..... owg n.9 masak.... agak pdas....  yang mai ctu drp 4 wilayah felda.... aloq staq,, mempaga, trolak, segamat.... aku?? hehehe aku aloq staq la....srmai 287 pserta..... aku pon x taw sai pa dpa x terus amek 300 pserta..... hqan.... snang ckit nk ingat....

     selama 6 hri aku dok ctu,,,, aku diam ja..... aku segan nk ckp,,,, kmi dibhgi kkpd 14 grup,,, aku grup ke 7... nma grup aku smart.... nk taw wat smart??
smart di ambil drpd pangkal nma2 wilayah,,,, crie sndiri la noh.....

    kt ctu kmi kna kwad,,,, kna mnyanyi.... dn yang pling best menari,,, hehehe
bygkan pkai bju oren,,, mnari tgah2 pns..... huhuhu.... x pham aku..... msa tu time las la......  hehehe/// abg pling best kt ctu abg megat... dy bt kmi cm kwan2 dy....dya cute.... x suka marh2... tp ad la cketx puas hti.... tp apa2 pon abg megat best,, gempak.... siot.... fac grup kmi kak jem.......

kt bwh nieh aku ada ltak pi grup aku..... lyan.....

                                                              yang nie grup aku..... smart!!!
brdiri dri kiri,,, along,khairol, shukur,rfiq,ijoi, daniel, p zie, solehin, rahim, duduk dri kiri, lupa nma.. shifa shikin, alia, ila, mai, aku, zkiah, salima, shitah..

                                                         ang tgah2 tu kapten kmi.... solehin
nt aku msokkn lg pic kt cnieh.... ok aku mnx dri dulu.... bye....

aku jatoh moto..... saket!!!!!!


     aku nk cta cket pasal aku jtoh moto.... uuuuwaaaaaa..... saket.... mula2 jtoh 2 x sket... tp lapaeh saqie.... mula lguh2 bdn.... aku tkot gak ad injurd kt dlm bdn... tp aku tkot nk p jmpa dr.... maklumlah aku dh x laqt nk tgok muka dr tu,,,,, hmpir tiap blan aku p..... dulu la..... tp skunk nie dh ok dh x slalu dmam dh.....

    aku jtoh moto ngan fatin.. mmbe aku.... waktu 2 aku bwu blek kja dkt dxn pharmctcn... aku ngan ftin x sbaq nk kja lpas spm.... lepas ja kjdian tu kmi trus bnt kja.... x laqt kja kilang..... tp aku rsa bruntung aku bleh kja kt ctu... sbb aku bleh tgok pqangai bdk2 kilang..... da yg x suka blajaq..... aku ad interview dak kilang yng sorg nie,,,, sma umoq ngan aku,,, tp dya dh kja ctu dket sethon.....

    nak tahu?? dy x amek spm.... muka lawa dh tp x suka blajaq.... aku tnya dya psl apa dy bnt seklah,,, dya ckp,, dya x suka kt cikgu.... ada ka ptot..... ada akak2 kt ctu kta,, plajaran x pnting..... aku trkjut dy ckp cm tu..... zman moden cm nieh pon ada lg owg cm tuh..... haeh.... dunia2.....

    oke la.... aku x da idea dh nk tulis..... nt aku tlis lg......

Friday, December 10, 2010

majlis bbq dan raikan hrie abis exam spm....

bbq yg best..... hahaha.... stu kelas brkumpul sekali....... tp ada sowg yg x da....
nk bt cm na.. tp hehehe.... bermula drie pg smp[ai petang.........

pukul 9 kmi kuaq umah... pi nat asun... konon2 p srie kerang n bhn2 yg nk bkaq....
hehehe... jln punya jalan,,,,,, smpai la di tempat yg di tuju....... agak kekok jgk la... maklum la x pnah p nat.. blie brang basah..... huhuhu

aku p ngan fatin n shima . tp malangnya.. kmi pi bli dging n ikan ja.... sebab kerang x da.... waktu p x da ujan,, tpi nk blek,,, hujan.... basah kuyup fatin... haha.... aku x kna sbb aku pkai syueter.... hehehe....

disebabkn kerang x da... kmi ambik keputusan p market changlun..... nasib kmi baek kmi dpt kerang.... hehehehe......

lps tu msuk dlm c mart... pi bli sos cili life bak kta fatin... dya suka sos cili tu...... tp mmg sedap////
kmi bli jgk buah nk buat koktel...
fatin punya idea... campuq2 jea......

kmi bt bbq kt umah fatin.....hehehe...... kcian kt mak dya..... kna bersikan tempat......

ptg sblum mlam bbq kmi bertungkus lumus bt persiapan....

tibalah waktu yg dinantikan...... hehehe...... kami pasai x da pengalaman, x qeti nk pelekat api....
tpi shima teror... dya pndai.. dkt sejam juga kami menghambakan diri kt api and asap... hehe... panas teqiak la st,,, pak mok lg teqok,, smpai merah mata dya..... hehehe,,, asrul ngan iwan x leh harap..... jgn marah... hehehe

tpi aku x da gmbaq nk tnjuk.... sbb gmbaq dkt intan.....
tpi punya kalut bakaq smpai x dan nk mkan.... tp x rsa lapaq pon... tp aku owg first yg rsa satay hehehe... aku nie suka2 jea....

tp depa sumea kwn2 aku dh msak ngan pqangai aku..... hehehe.... bakaq punya bakaq smpai x taw hri dh leawt... sblum blek,, kmi dgaq cita antoo. ms atu pukoi 12 kot... dengaq zaidi, apaw, jan cta.. naek mremang bulu roma....

lpas tu mjlis pon tmat depa smua dh blek....... aku n ftin kna simpan,, n aku tdoq umah fatin,,,,,,,,....... best......................

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Advantages and Disadvantages of studying abroad

Nowadays, there are many people continue their studies outside their country. They think that educations in other countries are better than in their own country. In my country, many students continuing their studies overseas. Australia, Singapore, China and USA are the most favorite countries to study. In my opinion, studying abroad is a good choice but there are many advantages and disadvantages on it.By moving to other country and leaving alone, we can gain more experience and also we can stand alone. However, we need a long time to adapt or else we can get homesick.The second one is, we’ll have the benefit of force language speaking. For example, if you study in china, you will be forced to speak Chinese (mandarin) every time and everywhere. Hopefully, when you come back from china, you can speak the language fluentlyThe disadvantages are the standard of living and free-friendship. The cost of living in other countries is quite expensive, so we need to spend more money on it. Moreover, the free-friendship means you can have friends and do anything freely, but the problem is about free-sex and so on.In conclusion, I think studying abroad is a good choice but we need to guard ourselves by avoiding drugs, free-sex, and other criminal things.

Werkbau - The Advantage/disadvantage of Studying abroad
Recently, more students choose to study abroad as they think that it is worth going. On the other hand, some think of it another way. Students may suffer from studying abroad as there are a number of disadvantages. The following paragraphs will explain why the students have these views and the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad will be discussed respectively.Students studying abroad may suffer from racial discrimination. As they have left their home country, they will become the minority group of the new country. The majority group may take advantage of and try to bully them. It is common that the Americans or the British discriminate against people from other countries since they think that white people are better than the others. The Black and the Chinese will probably suffer from this.In addition, the students may lose their own culture. Since they have moved to a new place, all the things there, people, lifestyle and living environment would be different from their own country. As they will have close contact with local people and culture, they will be influenced by the new culture imperceptivity. It is ironical that a Chinese speaks better English than Chinese and forget what Chinese culture is after studying abroad for a few years.On the contrary, studying abroad will widen the scope of the students. Although they may give up their own culture, they can really learn from the others. As students of the modern world, they should not limit their scope within the home country, but get exposure to the world. Studying abroad can help them expand their horizon and learn from the elite in the host country, as they will meet and make friends with people from all over the world. So, studying abroad is good for them.Besides, the students will learn how to be mature and independent. Students in the home country usually rely on their parents, just like the Hong Kong students. Statistic shows that Hong Kong students usually rely heavily on their parents; they will just leave the problems alone and ask their parents to solve them. If they are studying abroad, they have to solve everything on their own; they should learn how to cope with any difficulties they will meet. As a result, study abroad brings benefit to them.Furthermore, the education system from foreign country is better than Hong Kong. The Hong Kong education system is a spoon-feed one, the teachers will ask the student to recite a lot of things and then ask them to write it down. This cannot stimulate student’s interest in their learning. The choice of subjects in school, especially in secondary school, is very narrow; the students cannot choose what hey want most. But the schools in Britain and America, students can enjoy from a wider range of choice of subjects from school, for example, media studies and corporate communications, are in the syllabus of schools in these two countries. If students choose to study abroad, they can learn more things under a better educational system.All in all, study abroad will change and influence a student on the both sides. Although it is uncertain that what the effects would be, positive or negative, I support students should seize the opportunity of studying abroad because they will meet many new things and have new experience from the host country. If they are clever enough, I think they can find a balance between learning new culture and hold on their own one

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Assalamualaikum....... hye bertemu lg kita... kt cinie aku nk citer ckt psal kem kepimpinan 2010... haha sungguh best dan memenatkan almaklum la palapes yg take over kami,, lasak gila2, kna pamping, guling2,,, peh best...

hari pertama, sampai jam 2 ptg, dah siap daftar, kami diberi taklimat, about kem,, takot jgk mula2 tu sbb ada tuan safuan yg garang x kna tempat, dia sja ja nak crik salah kami.. geram btol... lastu sesiapa yg bwa hanphone kne serah kat palapes.. x leh pgang hanphone selama 2 hari setengah... bleh jdi gila,,,

kat sna waktu amat penting.. sume kna tepati masa. klu tdk kna la dgn tuan safuan.. pada mlm hari pertama. kami didenda sebab tak tepati masa, dan mkn berselerakk.. kna dah la,, teruk btol... qasa cam nak mati, tpi x pa kuatkan semangat...

keesokan harinya, kami dibwa ke kem plkn untuk merentas halangan,,, dan berkayak, best gila.. tpi yg x best tu kna denda lg, alasannya sma x tepati masa... kna guling2.. hehehe... teruk sungguh... lpas tu jungle tracking... best jgk, naek bkit turun bkt,,

mlam hari kedua kami kna jalan mlm, mla2 tu gerun la jgk, almaklum la kna jlan sowang2 mlm2 plak tu... tpi kuatkan semangat... kmi blek tdo pkol 5 pg, pnat,,, hahaha,,, pgi hari ketiga kmi diberi kelonggaran untuk rehat campai pkol 7 pg.. lps tu msg2 mengantok. dan letih excited pon da, cbb nak blek umah...

smpai la ke penutupan, msing2 excited nak blek.. tpi ingta hati cam x mau blek, cbb tak mau tinggalkan kakak n abg kat sna tpi, dgn keletihan yag amat sgt,, apakan daya.. hehehe

Sunday, February 28, 2010


assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatu.... hye... hari ni aku, bngun lewat cbb tdoq awal.. mcm biasalah , bngun mandi n gosok gigi,, pukul 10 pg fatin tepon aku , dya tnya nak pi tasek ar,,, aku kta la nak,, aku pon pi la umah dya pukul 11.45 pg..

kami pon bertolak dengan menaiki motosikal, laju pnya laju, sampailah ke tempat persinggahan, jitra mall,, aneka, niat hati nak tgok wayang, tp x da duet.. huhuhu,,,,, kesian2, kami pon jln jln la msuk mall,,

dngan tidak disangka2 aku ternampak farid kamil sedang menuju ke tingkat atas sekali.. panggung wayang... kami pon ikot la, ingatkan ada pa,, ada promosi filem v3-samseng jalanan.. pehh,, encem gila...

selain farid, intan ladyana ngan lisa surihani pon ada,, semua segak2. aku pon dgn excitednya pi la dgq ucapan dpa,, peh x sangka la katakan,,, duet x da nk tgok wyg, tpi lantak argh... aku dpt stu poster v3 samseng jalanan.. siap ada tnda tgn lg,,

lps tu sesi bergambaq dgn dpa,, ada gmbaqnya,, tp x leh tunjuk lg cbb gambaq tu x masukkan ke komputer lg, nnt klu dah msuk, aku tunjukan.. hehehe,, lps dah ambek gmbaq aku pon dgn bangganya salam la dgn farid kamil peh syoknyaaaaa,,,,,

itu lah serba sedikit cerita pasai x sangka aku jumpa farid kamil... hehehe, ok lah aku chow dlu,,, bye....